Habilli Abu Fandira
A submerged reef (habilli) with two main pillars which are easily explored during this lovely dive. The reef and pinnacles lie between 5m and 24m to the sand where you will find smaller pinnacles covered in soft corals and marine life. Schools of barracuda, jacks and tuna are common and keep your eye open for bumphead parrotfish.
Habili Ohrob
This cluster of pinnacles is covered in beautiful soft corals of all colours and also a few large fan corals around the bottoms. Pinnacles start at around 6m and go down to around 25m. Large numbers of schooling fish such as barracuda, tuna and jacks can been seen between the pillars and in the deeper areas there is the possibility to see grey reef sharks. The reef tops are covered in yellow soft coral and anthias making for an absolutely stunning safety stop.
Shoab Abu Fandira East
The drop off point for this dive is on the northern wall, where you will find many u-shaped cracks on the reef and vertical canyons that stretch all the way from the surface to the bottom (27m). This beautiful site is best dived first thing, but to reward you for your early get up is the possibility of schools of bumphead parrotfish which are often sighted here!
St. Johns
Located on the Tropic of Cancer, this chain of reefs boasts stunning dive sites, most of which are very close to each other allowing you to move quickly and easily from one place to another. This adds a lot of variety to your dives; drop-offs, tunnels and stunning hard-coral formations. One of these dives (St John's Caves or Umm Kharalim) is truly unique and is a photographer's heaven with rays of light filtering through into the beautiful tunnels. The reef formation is not the only thing that will stun you at St John's; the marine life and colours of the soft corals are some of the best in the Red Sea. With any luck, dolphins or pelagics will join you on your dives and St John's will forever have a place in your heart.
Elphinstone Reef
A Red Sea legend; a finger shaped reef, with north and south plateaus covered in hard and soft corals, unpredictable and exciting this truly is an awesome reef where hammerhead sharks are regularly spotted in the summer and oceanic whitetip sharks often congregate in large numbers during late autumn.